格为Grokwise依托强大的教师资源体系,创立了独有的 GROK™ 知识课程系统和WISE™能力课程系统,为学生提供基于数据分析的教育整体解决方案。
Grokwise, aided by its strong faculty team, developed the unique GROK™ system of courses for knowledge and the WISE™system of courses for ability to provide students with a holistic educational plan based on data analysis.
General Education通识系列 |
包括:英语综合、阅读、写作、听说、词汇;数学、物理、生物、化学、文学、历史、经济、编程等课程 In this set: Comprehensive English, reading, writing, listening and speaking, vocabulary; math, physics, biology, chemistry, literature, history, economics, programming, etc. |
适用于:综合夯实基础,补足薄弱环节,加强优势科目,长期发展能力,全面提升GPA Goal: To lay a solid foundation in each discipline, to enhance performances in both weak and strong subjects, to develop long-term capabilities, and to raise GPAs. |
Refinement超越系列 |
包括:AP、SAT 2、ISEE等标化考试 In this set: Standardized tests such as AP, SAT 2, ISEE, etc. |
适用于:针对性提升标化考试成绩 Goal: To help students master problem-solving and trap-spotting skills in order to raise scores in these tests. |
Opportunity传承系列 |
包括:STEM科研项目、计算机引领项目、人工智能项目、音乐创作项目等项目类课程 In this set: STEM research project, computer leadership project, artificial intelligence project, musical composition project, etc. |
适用于:深入发展兴趣爱好,拓展能力,使学生接触到前沿科学,从知识、活动、实践等各个方面得到综合提升 Goal: To probe deep into a student’s interests and dig out his or her potentials; to help the student make comprehensive improvement in theory and in practice by exposing him or her to frontier sciences. |
Kudos荣耀系列 |
包括:州、国家、国际等各级别、各科目的奥赛集训,英特尔科学奖等各项竞赛课程 In this set: Training for state, national, or international Olympiad contests in various subjects; preparatory courses for other academic competitions like ISEF. |
适用于:学有余力的学生,有计划的冲击挑战各类竞赛 Goal: To help students who have time and room for more advanced knowledge prepare for various academic contests. |
Willpower意志系列 |
意志力——解决我与自身的关系,包括探索自我意识、目标确立、时间管理等 Function: To solve problems concerning the relationship between one and the self, which includes exploration of ego consciousness, determination of goals, and time management, etc. |
应用于:学生现状的评估,申请、选课的规划,时间的安排和管理 Application: To evaluate the student’s status quo, to plan for school application and course sign-up, and to design timetables to effectively manage time. |
Innovation拓新系列 |
创新力——解决我与事物的关系,包括发展批判性思维、柔性思维、设计思维等 Function: To solve problems concerning the relationship between one and the surrounding things, which includes the development of critical thinking, flexible thinking, and design thinking, etc. |
应用于:学生课外活动的规划,兴趣的发展,尤其是无法通过在线上课形式完成的内容 Application: To plan for extracurricular activities and hobby development—especially useful for materials that cannot be taught through the online method. |
Sociability仁善系列 |
社交力——解决我与他人的关系,包括交流沟通、社会责任等 Function: To solve problems concerning the relationship between one and the surrounding people, which includes interaction, communication and social responsibility, etc. |
应用于:社区服务的规划指导,留学生的社交和融入,推荐信的获取等 Application: To provide insights into community service involvement and intra- and cross-cultural interactions, and to offer suggestions on obtaining recommendation letters. |
Enlightenment开明系列 |
领悟力:解决我与世间万物的关系,包括记忆能力、研究能力、共情能力、情绪管理、领导力、世界公民等 Function: To solve problems concerning the relationship between one and the universe, which includes the capacity for memory, research, empathy, emotion control, leadership, and world citizen, etc. |
应用于:文书设计、面试等 Application: To prepare for writing samples and interviews |